Cobot Applications

Collaborative robots are designed to increase productivity and reduce labour. They can also work safely alongside operatives without guarding or they can work independently and unsupervised.

Sold to over 50 countries and operating in the following industries

  • Aerospace and Defense
    • Work round the clock running unmanned shifts.
  • Automotive and subcontractor
    • integrates into existing production lines to take over critical and precision tasks.
  • Food & Agriculture
    • Keep food and ingredient wastage to a minimum while which working around the clock.
  • Electronics & Technology
    • Fast to adapt to new tasks, changes and working with dangerous machinery.
  • Furniture & Equipment
    • take over labour intensive & repetitive take.
    • Increase levels of precision and consistency in production.
  • Metal & Machining
    • Their accuracy and precision make them a must for this industry.
  • Pharma & Chemistry
    • Taking over human tasks will reduce the risk of contamination and human errors with sterile handling
  • Plastic & Polymers
    • can be used across all areas of plastic and polymer production at vary temperature ranges which will extend production capabilities.
  • Scientific & Research
    • Accuracy and reliability makes it a valuable tool for teaching and development at universities and research institutions.
  • Finishing & Polishing
    • Eliminates the human variance in the quality of finish. Never gets fed up with the job at hand.
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